The open air drawing room

Promoter's Pack

Inspired by the work of JMW Turner and John Ruskin.
This socially engaged art project is a celebration of the small and the epic.
This project is a combination of painting and performance following in the footsteps of Yves Klein.
This project aims to produce the largest painting of a beach ever painted.
The final artwork hopes to set a world record for a painting created by the largest number of artists. Currently, there are over 1,000 participants.
Members of the public, at outdoor events across Kent and the South East, have participated at The Open Air Drawing Room - a celebration of the collective effort - to make two monumental artworks: A Sea Of Faces and A Show Of Hands.
Originally exhibited at Turner Contemporary from 6 Oct 2019 – 12 January 2020 to celebrate the gallery hosting the Turner Prize, it was most recently exhibited at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery in Greenwich in the summer of 2021.
Redesigned to be safely performed during the current pandemic, the work was recently performed at GDIF 2020. Performances are on-going.
The Open Air Drawing Room was most recently performed on
11th & 12th June 2022 at Derby Museum
The collection of thirty-one stones in The Open Air Drawing Room correspond to the thirty-one shipping areas that surround the British isles.
These stones were old when Turner was young.
They will still be here when we are gone.
These stones - like us - are in a state of transition.
They were once mountains… and eventually they will be grains of sand on a beach.
Commissioned by Applause Rural Touring and Turner Contemporary.